How do I reset my password?
If the system is giving you a hard time resetting your password, please don't reset it over and over. Call or email Angie Errera.
Where is the members-only area on the website?
First, go to, then hover your mouse over 'Resources' and again over 'Members-Only', where a menu appears to the right. You will need to log in to access most of the pages and/or content in this section, as they contain personnel information from each member company in the directory.
Can anyone have a log in?
If your company is a dues-paying member, then all employees are eligible to receive a login. Just email Angie Errera to get added to the database and include your name, job title, and email address.
How do I get more involved?
We have several committees available to participate and share your experience with other members. The committees only meet 2-3 times per year via Zoom, but they help shape the direction of the LPA. Visit for more information.
Is the market data available for sale to non-members or consultants?
The market data is a members-only benefit and is not for individual sale.